Video Production Warsaw camera crew was filming with Abbott in Warsaw, Poland. Abbott headquartered in Chicago, is a multinational healthcare company with 99000 employees in 150 countries around the world. We were filming at their new speciality call center in the Polish capitol. The two days shoot involved lots of interviews with employees and b-roll of the facility.

Video Crew Warsaw filming with Abbott employees
This shoot involved 2x Canon cinema cameras: the Canon C300 Mark II. and Mark I. with cinema lenses. Since the new Abbott offices have lots of natural lights coming trough the all-window side walls, our DOP-s were keen to use it. We were lucky with clouds overhead, daylight was nicely diffused. On the above shot is visible, that we were using our KinoFlo Diva Light only as hair light.

This is another example of using natural lights at an interview at Abbott.
Obviously in November daylight is in short supply past 15.00, so we needed to switch to our production lights, using those with flags, diffusers and reflectors.

Video Crew Warsaw filming with Abbott employees
Talking about Video Production Warsaw’ lights, maybe it is time to say goodbye to our beloved KinoFlo Diva lights 401-s… We are for quite some time now thinking to switch to new bi-color LED lights to save on space and weight. Especially the ultra and flexible light LED mats are very tempting. They weight close to nothing and can be run from battery or mains. Since our crews are traveling with more and more gear (including tele-prompter, slider, gimbal, gimbal camera etc etc) it is more than ever important for us to save on space and weight. One LED light kit especially grabbed our attention: the new FOMEX FL1200 B kit with V-mount battery plate and controller. This ultra light LED panel light comes with all the bells and whistles our production needs. It can be switched from Daylight to Tungsten in a sec, while the Kino-s need a tube change for that.