Video Production Crew Warsaw beefing up the audio dept.
Since Video Crew Warsaw doing lots of run and gun work lately, it was time for us to beef up our audio department’s inventory with new gear. We invested into a new field mixer, the Sound Devices 633 and as we wrote earlier: “The Sound Devices 633 mixer/recorder is built like a tank and performs like a Dodge Hellcat. It has lots of cool features in a small package. We love the flexibility in routing options for outputting sound. The battery life is amazing with two Sony L NPF-970, it took about 12 hours to empty one battery.
By far, the best little mixer-recorder out there you can buy. Audio wav files coming out of it are incredibly clean, and having dual card slots just gives extra peace of mind for the soundy. It is a powerful workhorse for our corporate and documentary productions, allowing us to record multiple mics simultaneously to its 10-track recorder and provide timecode with its built-in timecode generator.”

Sound Devices 633 unpacked
At the same time, as we bought the Sound Devices 633 field mixer/recorder, we also bought 2 sets of digital wireless kits from Sennheiser. The new Sennheiser AVX kits are digital devices with automatic free channel search capabilities. In a run and gun filming situation, when sometimes there is absolutely no time to adjust your frequencies, this is priceless. Saves us the worry and when we hit record, we know that everything works and we do not have to worry about annoying bursts of interference. The rechargeable batteries are strong and we love, that we do not have to mess with AA batteries any longer. We carry small power banks with these sets, as the clever engineering of Sennheiser makes it possible to charge the batteries any time, even during recording, so we never run out of juice even after long runs of recording. The design of the AVX kit is very smart. The receiver (the blue one on the picture) is very small and sturdy, plugs straight into XLR inputs and shuts down automatically, when the camera is switched off. The transmitter is robust, runs 12 hours on full charge and finally has a small fat antenna (there is no little whip antenna, like on the previous models, which were breaking way too often).

Sennheiser AVX components