Video Crew Bratislava covering the “Blockchain in Public” conference
Video Crew Bratislava is planning to send professional video crews to cover the first blockchain conference of a special kind. The “Blockchain in Public” conference is connecting top level governmental officials and advanced technology speakers from around the world. The aim of the conference to open discussions on utilising blockchain in the public sector and help to shape an efficient public service with it’s help. The event will be held October 10th in the Bratislava castle, a historical landmark of the Slovak capitol.
Video Crew Bratislava will have professional two men (DOP and sound man) video crews standing by to cover the conference equipped with ENG or digital cinema cameras. We offer editing facilities for clients who are wishing to report fast from the conference. A quick turnaround is ensured with English speaking editors working on Macbook Pro15″ (2.8 GHz, Intel Core i7 Quad-core, 16GB of DDR3 Onboard Ram, 512 GB Flash storage) edit workstations. Please send your queries via our booking page here.

Video Production Crew Bratislava